The fall of the leaf: this time it's for real!

Even though the temperatures are still easily above 20°C (and fortunately the heating doesn't have to go into overdrive too often), autumn is definitely here. Last summer you could already see a lot of leaves falling down due to drought stress, but 'now it's for real'. Time for some tips for this time of year!

Lots of yard work to do…

After the summer there are a lot of things to fix by annual analogy.

  • Return the garden tools to their storage place for at least one season.
  • That garden hose lying around? Time to roll them up and put them away!
  • Check whether your lawnmower or trimmer is still in good condition. Do they seem okay? Then clean them, it will save you annoyances in the spring!
  • There must be some leaves already. It becomes raking to keep your garden path free from stains when they start to compost.
  • Flower pots that are marked by dirt or moss? You can certainly work wonders with a scouring pad.
  • For some trees, this is the right time for pruning.
  • A garden house or carport under the trees? Don't forget to clear the gutter!


… but maintenance is not included at Woodscape!

Tired of the idea already? Whether or not a hobby gardener has been lost to you, sometimes earlier choices will cause later frustrations. Perhaps the best example is a garden fence. Concrete posts? That's visually bummed! Gabions? That means scraping leaves in the fall! A natural hedge? Pruning work galore. Not to mention a 'dead piece'.

Then the woven Woodscape garden panels are a piece of cake in terms of maintenance. Some green deposits or some soil along the underside? Just pass with high pressure and you can be sure that your beautiful garden fence will look like it used to. Enjoy! Without the headaches of excessive maintenance!

Visit our showroom and enjoy your garden in the fall as well!

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